Wednesday, 27 February 2013


We have been a little slack this week with our update of what we saw on the weekend. After a week of rain we thought we would go to the house in hope that a miracle had happened... that we would have a fully bricked home, well that didn't come true. Amazingly though the brickies were there on Saturday playing catch-up  which was a surprise to us.
As per usual we did the walk-through and discovered that we now had half a kitchen and cabinets in the bathrooms... woo hoo

Front - Bed 3 & 4

Front - Garage

Almost there on the Right side

Alfresco -  Stackers

If only this was going to be our view, pitty we will have to put a fence up

Alfresco - Main Bed to left (tiny window is walk in wardrobe)
and Living to right

Toad in the hole is a traditional English dish consisting of sausages
Yorkshire pudding batter, usually served with vegetables and onion gravy.

Jamie Olivers version
I will try oneday.

                                                          Pantry & Fridge space                                     View from Alfresco

                                                         Ensuite                                                               Powder Room


Main Bathroom


We will be heading up to the house once again tomorrow to meet with the tiler and site supervisor to go through some things.
 Hopefully there will be more bricks.

Remember to click on the pic for a bigger view

Thursday, 14 February 2013


So the life begins...
What will they see; What will they hear?
To be a fly on these walls... Oh to be a fly, in years gone by.

What do you think of these walls?
What will they see in the future?
If I could ask them now, would I like the answer?

I like our walls, I like the answer.
They look like good walls.
They look so strong.


I know I could poke my finger through them.
So rigid yet so fragile.
Good thing Neil and Buzz never thought of that.


Here are ours...

The Lady of the House

Many a night to be spent on this Alfresco
Many more mowing the lawn!

Living Room to Kitchen, in my place..!!

Living Room to Kitchen without the cook

Living Room to Alfresco and Dining,
Master Bedroom doors through the Alfresco.

<<<< Ensuite - Master Bedroom - Door to Alfresco >>>>

Looking this way...

Looking that way.!

Saturday, 9 February 2013

A/C Ducting Reminds me of a Ridley Scott movie...

Great! when we move in I'm going to think there are aliens scurrying around in our ceiling. 

Big Skies
One of our friends believes we have big skies and fluffy clouds in Brissie.
I don't know what she is talking about, xxx

Hard Yakka, Has Rewards

Luckily for us Plantation Homes left about 150m2 at the back of our lot from where their safety fencing ended (this area was heavily overgrown), however this gave us a great opportunity to get in there early and dig up those pesky grasses that start to accumulate over time. The reason we are doing this is so the soil is ready for top-soil when hand-over occurs. We do not want to have a paddock of wild grasses to dig up when we move in. I think that if we get on top of it now then all we have to do for the next couple of months is light weeding every couple of weeks to keep the creepers at bay (hopefully).

As a courtesy we informed our Site Supervisor that we would be "onsite" although outside the safety fence. It is nice to be there and watch your house be built, but if you decide to do the same yourself then ensure you have a reason to be there and your sole purpose is simply not to sticky-beak the workmanship. Hmmm.. although I was informed by a close friend that the only reason to go to the work-site is to watch the roofers strip to the waist and play with their trowels. 
Yes you know you you are..!!!

Communication with your Site Supervisor is paramount and he was fine with us being there. 

I can tell you the grasses and crawlers had set a good root into our land. One crawler had already climbed 1.8m of fence. Call me old fashioned but the only way I saw possible to get rid of this was a good soak with 'Roundup' weed killer about a week before digging. After trial and error it appeared the best 'you beaut' way was to whipper snip the long grasses to root level and then apply the 'Roundup'. Leave it until it turns to straw and then rake away the dead foliage. After that, all that is left is to dig up the roots. Trust me, not so easy when you are digging into clay; but a bit of perseverance and brute force will get them up. You really get to know your back yard doing it fork by fork. I made sure I got the hilt of the fork all the way into the ground before turning it over and breaking it up. We were so relieved at the end. We dug, We churned and we toiled. A great combined effort. We now know every single ant colony we have. But more importantly! We know our soil. By getting in there and getting dirty you feel happier with your land and you get a better feeling as to where you will plant certain flora.

This picture says it all. Mission accomplished, I'm buggered, let it rain...

Now all I have to do is control the neighbours grasses too..!!!

Wednesday, 6 February 2013


Another day out in the hot sun, digging to our hearts content.
A little bit more progress today, electrical and Air Conditioning rough in done.

I have been trying to find out the name of a plant that I admire and have grown and want to grow in our
garden too. My lovely cousins wife Mel was able to find out the name today.

Cana Lily (Red)

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Windows and Solar Panels On...


Front Right - Bed 3 & 4

Rear View

Alfresco through to front

View from Family Room

Left side
Back we go tomorrow to do some more digging in the yard.

Monday, 4 February 2013

Guess What? WE HAVE A ROOF....

After our quick trip to Sydney we decided to head out to the block to continue digging out the weeds that are consuming the yard.
We also discovered that we now have a roof.
 We will be heading out there again tomorrow so we can dig some more.



Scott the Landscaper.

Doing my bit.

All done for the day.